
Biden Sneaks Muslim Leaders into White House for Damage Control!

President Biden is up to his old tricks again, hosting an undisclosed meeting at the White House with Muslim American community leaders. It seems like every time you turn around, Biden is cozying up to someone new, trying to win back support he has lost in critical battleground states. And this time, it’s the Arab and Muslim Americans who are giving him the cold shoulder.

It’s no wonder Biden is scrambling to make amends with this community, as his approval ratings plummet among them due to the escalating violence in Israel’s Gaza offensive. The Democratic Party is feeling the heat too, with heavy protests at Biden’s 2024 campaign events. You’d think they would have learned by now that you can’t please everyone!

Even though senior administration officials had met with community leaders in Michigan, Biden himself had been nowhere in sight. But now, he’s finally making an appearance, in what his team is calling a “tradition of honoring the Muslim community during Ramadan.” It seems like just another photo op to show the world how much he cares. But actions speak louder than words, Mr. President!

And if you thought Biden was flying solo on this one, you’d be wrong. Vice President Kamala Harris and members of Biden’s national security team will also be joining in on the fun. After the meeting, there’s even going to be a “small breaking of the fast, prayer, and Iftar” with a bunch of Muslim administration officials. You can almost hear the presidential PR team patting themselves on the back for this one.

Biden’s wavering support for the conflict in Gaza is putting him in a tough spot with his own party, as they push for a ceasefire. It’s no surprise he’s been distancing himself from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. After the U.S. abstained from a United Nations ceasefire vote, Netanyahu got so mad he pulled his envoys out of in-person discussions in Washington, D.C. You can bet that didn’t sit well with the president!

So, what’s next for Biden and his precarious relationships with various communities? Who knows! But one thing’s for sure, the man sure does love a good meeting and a chance to break bread with just about anyone. We’ll just have to wait and see if it actually makes a difference in the long run.

Written by Staff Reports

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