
Biden Stumbles Again! Is Age Catching Up with Our Commander-in-Chief?

President Biden, at the ripe old age of 81, nearly took a tumble not once, but twice, while trying to board Air Force One. Now, it’s no secret that as people age, they become more susceptible to falls and injuries. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) even says so! And with old Joe Biden tripping and stumbling the way he does, it’s no wonder he’s at risk of hurting himself.

But wait, it gets better! When he was seen struggling to make his way up the stairs to Air Force One, no Secret Service agents were in sight to give the poor old guy a helping hand. They claim they were watching from the bottom, but let’s face it, that’s not much help if Biden were to take a nasty spill.

And get this, folks – this isn’t the first time Biden’s had trouble with stairs. Last year, he had another little stumble while boarding Air Force One. And the year before that, he stumbled not once, not twice, but three times! You’d think someone would have learned their lesson by now, but apparently not.

Some people out there are saying that Biden’s frequent mishaps on the stairs might be a reflection of his mental and physical well-being. And you know what? A lot of Americans seem to agree. A recent poll showed that most folks think Biden is just too darn old to serve another term.

So there you have it, folks. President Biden might need to start taking the elevator if he’s gonna keep on tripping his way up to Air Force One. And as for the Secret Service, well, maybe they should consider investing in a good set of safety rails.

Written by Staff Reports

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