
Biden Throws $42B at Visionary Internet-for-All Plan by 2030

In order to close the digital divide and ensure that everyone in the US has access to high-speed internet connections by 2030, President Joe Biden announced a new funding initiative that will allocate over $42 billion. This is the largest investment in the country's history in the advancement of broadband.

The FCC has released a coverage map that will allow the agency to identify areas of the country where there is a gap in access. The most prominent recipients of funding are California and Texas. These two states will receive over $3 billion and $1.9 billion, respectively. Other regions that will benefit include Louisiana and Virginia due to their poor broadband connectivity.

The funds will be used to provide high-speed internet access to rural areas and other low-population regions in the US. Some of the grant recipients include the US Virgin Islands and Texas. Each state will receive at least $107 million to help improve the connectivity of these areas. These areas are often neglected by large broadband providers due to their low subscription rates and high costs.

As Biden unveiled the initiative, he was on a tour of the Democratic Party to talk about how the policies of the party have affected the average American. This is also the start of his campaign for 2024. In addition, he will be delivering a major speech in Chicago, where he'll be talking about his plan for the economy dubbed "Bidenomics."

The states are expected to submit their initial plans for the grant later this year. Once the government approves the plans, the remaining funds will be released.

A recent poll conducted by Reuters revealed that over half of Americans disapprove of how Biden is handling his job. The presidential election in 2024 will be a referendum on how he has handled the economy, and the launch of this initiative could help boost his approval ratings.

The Democratic Party's new funding initiative is just another example of how they intend to spend and spend our way out of various problems. It is another example of how the government is trying to control our lives.

Source: Trending Politics Conservative News and Commentary

Written by Staff Reports

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