
Bidenomics Shocker: Twice as Many Americans Suffering Financially Post-2023!

According to a recent survey from Rasmussen, almost half of Americans are feeling the economic pinch and say they are worse off financially than they were a year ago. Only 23 percent of Americans believe they are better off economically, leaving a whopping 22-point gap. It seems that the Biden administration’s attempts to sell their economic policies, which they cheerfully call “Bidenomics,” have fallen flat.

One of the main culprits behind this economic decline is inflation, or as critics of the administration like to call it, “Bidenflation.” Consumer prices have jumped by 3.1 percent in the past year, with prices increasing by 7.1 percent in the 12 months prior. Since President Biden took office, consumer prices have skyrocketed by a whopping 16.8 percent. While average hourly wages have increased, they still haven’t been able to keep up with the rising cost of living. Average hourly wages have only gone up by 14.3 percent, which is two-and-a-half points below the inflation rate.

Unsurprisingly, Democrats are more likely to believe they are better off under the Biden administration, with 39 percent of them saying so. Meanwhile, only 18 percent of Republicans and a mere 13 percent of Americans without party affiliation feel the same. It’s clear that political bias plays a significant role in how Americans perceive their economic well-being.

There’s also a racial divide when it comes to economic sentiment. While 32 percent of black Americans say they are worse off economically, 45 percent of white Americans and a staggering 55 percent of other minorities feel the same. These numbers tell a grim story about the state of the American economy under Biden’s leadership.

It’s disheartening to see such a large portion of Americans feeling worse off financially. Biden’s economic policies have failed them, and it’s time for a change. The time for bold conservative solutions and real pro-growth policies is now. It’s clear that Bidenomics is not the answer, and Americans deserve better.

Written by Staff Reports

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