
Biden’s 2024 Blues: 40% Dems Say No-Go, Poll Shocker Reveals!

President Joe Biden is in hot water with his own party, as more and more Democrats are saying they don’t want him to run for president again in 2024. A recent poll by Messenger/Harris released on Tuesday showed that a majority of overall voters, at a whopping 67%, don’t want Biden to seek another term next November. And guess what? Even a big chunk of Democrats, 40% to be exact, agree that Biden should sit this one out, which is way more than the 25% of Republicans who feel the same way about Trump.

This new poll is just adding to a growing list of surveys that are revealing Biden’s diminishing popularity among his own party and key voting groups that helped him win the last election. A Wall Street Journal poll not too long ago showed that more than two-thirds of Democrats think Biden is just too old to be calling the shots, and that’s after a series of slip-ups, like taking tumbles, mixing up words, and losing his train of thought.

But some folks on the left are worried sick that Biden won’t be able to bounce back in time for the big election next November, while others are just brushing off these poll results, saying it’s too early to matter. And guess what? The Messenger’s poll also shows that Trump is actually beating Biden with a 47% to 40% lead, with independent voters mostly siding with the former president at 45% to 32%.

It’s not just the polls that are giving Biden a headache, though. Some third-party groups and candidates have been getting major flack from Democratic bigwigs for supposedly working against Biden. The No Labels organization has been accused of trying to help the GOP next year by launching a unity ticket in states where Trump is ahead — even though they say that’s not their plan at all.

And if Biden’s approval ratings are any indication of what’s to come, he’s in for a rough ride. The Messenger poll showed him hitting a new low with a 39% approval rating, just two days after he already set a record low of 40% in an NBC News survey. Even independents, who could swing the vote, don’t seem to be big fans, with only 29% giving the president a thumbs up.

But here’s the kicker: despite not wanting him to run again, Democrats still prefer Biden as their 2024 candidate. In a hypothetical primary, 65% said they’d back Biden, leaving Marianne Williamson in the dust with a mere 5%, and Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) at 4%. A whopping 11% said they’d go with someone else, though.

The HarrisX poll was done with 3,017 registered voters with a margin of error of 1.8 percentage points, so it’s no small potatoes. And with these results, it looks like Biden might have a mountain to climb if he wants to get reelected.

Written by Staff Reports

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