
Biden’s DOJ Fiasco Backfires! Americans Cry Foul on Trump Witch Hunt and Election Meddling

In recent news, it appears that the indictment and arraignment of former President Donald Trump by the Biden Justice Department has faced significant backlash. The American people overwhelmingly perceive the case as politically motivated, amounting to "election interference." According to a Harvard CAPS/Harris poll, 55 percent of Americans believe the indictment is politically motivated, while 56 percent view it as interference by the Department of Justice in the 2024 elections.

This sentiment indicates that the American public has grown weary of the Democrats' efforts to undermine President Trump. The poll also reveals that 83 percent of Republicans and 55 percent of Independents consider the indictment a political maneuver. It is evident that there is a lack of trust in the Justice Department, which can be attributed to the perceived failures of Attorney General Merrick Garland during his tenure.

The implications of the poll extend beyond the Democratic Party and also have repercussions for President Biden. A majority of respondents, 65 percent, believe that Biden mishandled classified material, while 72 percent hold a similar view of Clinton's email scandal. The Justice Department and the media seem to have lost credibility with the American people, primarily resonating with Democrats who support the indictment at a rate of 80 percent.

The continuous leaks to the media by the FBI and the Justice Department, as well as the orchestrated photo following the raid on Mar-a-Lago, have worsened this perception. The widespread distrust and loss of credibility currently faced by these institutions can be attributed solely to their actions. Americans are weary of biased reporting and advocacy journalism; they no longer place their faith in them.

Considering the findings of the Harvard CAPS/Harris poll, it is inconceivable to expect a fair trial, as most people believe Trump should be pardoned if convicted. The Biden administration's handling of the situation has inadvertently given their leader's primary opponent an overwhelming amount of media exposure and martyrdom, further alienating the American people from the Department of Justice. The public's perception of the DOJ has never been worse, even during Bill Barr's tenure. This constitutes a grave indictment, and President Biden should contemplate commuting any sentence to neutralize this potential election issue.

Only time will tell if the Democratic Party will acknowledge their missteps and prioritize the interests of the American people. However, the current situation suggests that the Democrats prefer political maneuvering over serving the will of the people. The American public has reached a breaking point and will not passively watch as their nation is torn apart by liberal politicians and their radical agenda.

Written by Staff Reports

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