
Biden’s Pro-Israel Stance Fractures Democratic Unity Amid War

President Joe Biden’s unwavering support for Israel is driving a wedge between him and his party’s base as the conflict with Hamas rages on. Recent polls revealed that a whopping 70% of young voters disapprove of Biden’s handling of the Israel-Hamas war, sparking concern among Democrats. However, the White House brushed off these numbers, emphasizing that they would not govern based on polls, and dismissed the significance of the figures.

Despite his declining approval ratings, particularly among far-left and younger voters since the onset of the Hamas attacks, the White House maintains its position. The mounting calls for a ceasefire and the emergence of pro-Palestinian protests, including clashes outside the Democratic National Committee headquarters, highlight the chasm within the Democratic Party. Nevertheless, Democratic strategist Brad Bannon downplayed the impact of these divisions, asserting that most Americans prioritize domestic over foreign policy issues.

Critics have targeted Biden, accusing him of not advocating for a ceasefire, with some even dubbing him “Genocide Joe.” The focus has centered on civilian casualties in Gaza, as well as allegations that Israel targeted hospitals where Hamas allegedly operated. Despite the pressure, administration officials stress that Biden is urging Israel to exercise caution in its military operations.

The president’s ties to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who faces his own domestic challenges, have further complicated the situation. Netanyahu’s political affiliations have stirred controversy, with 76% of Israelis expressing a desire for his departure from office. However, Biden remains hopeful for progress, anticipating a potential breakthrough in negotiations for the release of hostages held by Hamas.

Biden’s stance on the Israel-Hamas conflict has placed him in a precarious position within his own party, as tensions escalate and calls for a ceasefire intensify. The divide among Democrats underscores the challenges the president faces in striking a delicate balance between supporting Israel and appeasing his party’s base.

Written by Staff Reports

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