
Biden’s Ukraine Defense Crumbles: What the Left Won’t Tell You!

It’s time for House Republicans to step up and initiate impeachment proceedings against Joe Biden. Despite the reluctance of some weak-kneed Republicans like Mitch McConnell, there is more than enough evidence to justify this necessary action. From the millions of dollars funneled into shell companies owned by Biden family members to the numerous suspicious activity reports from multiple banks, it is clear that the Biden family has been involved in some shady business dealings. And let’s not forget about Joe’s secret email account, which he used to communicate with Hunter Biden. If all of this isn’t enough to warrant impeachment, then let’s revisit Ukraine.

During the first impeachment of President Trump, Democrats dismissed any wrongdoing by the Bidens, despite Joe Biden’s own admission that he withheld aid to Ukraine in exchange for the firing of a prosecutor investigating Burisma, a company on which Hunter Biden sat on the board and made a hefty $50,000 per month. The original prosecutor was fired, although he was actually doing his job by uncovering the corruption happening at Burisma. Law professor Jonathan Turley points out the hypocrisy of the Democrats’ defense and how their snap impeachment after January 6th has opened the door for the House GOP to launch a legitimate impeachment effort based on facts and evidence.

A State Department memo has emerged that casts doubt on Biden’s justification for withholding aid to Ukraine. It seems that Biden’s ultimatum to fire the prosecutor may have been the quid pro quo in a larger influence-peddling scandal involving the Biden family. Devon Archer, a business associate of Hunter Biden, testified that Burisma executives made the removal of the prosecutor a top priority and discussed it with Hunter. President Biden has tried to downplay his involvement, but the evidence suggests otherwise. It appears that there was a clear conflict of interest with the Bidens, and the money flowing to Hunter is closely tied to the actions of his father.

The Democrats’ rush to impeach Trump for the second time without proper investigation or hearings has set a dangerous precedent. As law professor Turley warned, now anyone can file impeachment motions for purely political reasons. The Democrats either knew this and didn’t care or assumed they could count on enough Republican votes in the Senate to convict Trump. The FBI’s informant has even stated that the Bidens were paid $10 million, and there were discussions about the legal protection Hunter would provide to Burisma as a board member.

It’s time for the House GOP to hold the hearings that the Democrats blocked during the first impeachment. This time, a different president will be under constitutional scrutiny, and the truth about the Bidens’ involvement in Ukraine must come to light. Impeachment should not be taken lightly, but when there is evidence of corruption and conflicts of interest, it is the duty of House Republicans to take action. Joe Biden may have thought he was untouchable, but the American people deserve to know the truth.

Written by Staff Reports

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