
Christie Slams Ceasefire Pressure, Stands with Israel Against Hamas Terror

Former New Jersey Governor and 2024 Republican presidential candidate, Chris Christie, didn’t hold back during his visit to Israel, where he staunchly defended Israel’s right to protect itself against the Palestinian Hamas terror organization. Surrounded by the remnants of the devastating Hamas attack on Kfar Aza, Christie firmly declared that the United States should not pressure Israel into agreeing to a ceasefire while its citizens continue to face a real and present danger.

With the speaker of the Israeli Knesset and members of the Israel Defense Forces by his side, Christie witnessed firsthand the aftermath of the brutal Hamas assault, as he visited homes scarred by bullets and witnessed the suffering inflicted upon the residents of Kfar Aza.

Christie’s unwavering support for Israel’s right to defend itself echoed throughout his visit, as he emphasized the need for Israel to persist in its fight against Hamas until the terror group’s capacity to threaten the safety of Israeli citizens is substantially diminished.

During a time when antisemitism and anti-Israel sentiments are on the rise in the United States, Christie made it clear that there are millions of Americans standing in solidarity with Israel, recognizing the heinous acts perpetrated against the country. He highlighted the importance of unwavering support for Israel, stressing the need for the United States to unequivocally stand shoulder to shoulder with Israel without any room for doubt.

While Christie’s presidential campaign has largely centered on critiquing former President Donald Trump, the former governor has spotlighted foreign policy as a focal point of his candidacy, demonstrated by his various international visits and engagements.

As Christie continues to assert his conservative stance and demonstrate his unwavering support for Israel, his visit to the embattled region has solidified his standing as a candidate who prioritizes national security and international alliances in his political agenda.

Written by Staff Reports

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