
CNN’s Daniel Dale Resurfaces to Fact-Check Trump but Ignores Biden’s Blunders

After years of a sleepy media environment where the Biden administration received more cuddles than critical examination, CNN’s so-called “fact checker,” Daniel Dale, is back on the prowl. This development is causing quite a stir among conservative circles, much like a cat spotting a laser pointer. Dale has resurfaced, dusting off his fact-checking toolkit, albeit now aimed squarely at President Trump, rather than the serial whoppers escaping Biden’s lips.

During Biden’s tenure, the reality of journalistic scrutiny seemed as distant as the moon. When Biden tripped over his own words, Dale and his comrades were quick to label it as a harmless “verbal stumble” or a “gaffe,” softly wrapping the President’s gaffes in a protective bubble of euphemism. Meanwhile, Trump was routinely hung out to dry, branded a “serial liar” even when contradicting evidence was scant or manipulated.

Dale’s most vivid moments were as memorable as a bad sitcom. He once claimed during a presidential debate that while Biden was somewhat misleading, Trump was simply a serial liar. In another instance, he seemingly celebrated Biden’s ability to string together coherent sentences as a form of implicit fact-checking against Trump. Such absurdity couldn’t help but evoke laughter as Dale elevated Biden’s stumbles to the rarefied status of brilliance.

Now, as Trump is once again dominating the headlines since his Election Day triumph, one might expect Dale to allocate some time unraveling the tangled mess that is Biden’s declarations. What instead unfolded is a predictable pattern: Dale has returned to the airwaves, not to challenge Biden’s dubious claims but to scrutinize Trump’s words instead. The soft glove of scrutiny reemerges, and one can practically hear the collective sigh from liberal media outlets. 


It’s all too telling that Biden’s statements went unchecked while Trump was under a microscope. This discrepancy is no mere coincidence; it’s a glaring symptom of media bias. The Washington Post’s promise to not maintain a Biden false claims database can serve as the cherry on top of this cake. While Trump’s claims were meticulously tracked from day one, the current president is given a free pass. The reason for this disparity is simple: a political affiliation that offers him a protective shield, more robust than any scandal that might befall a Republican.

As Dale and his media kindred continue their predictable dance of bias, it becomes increasingly clear: this isn’t merely about fact-checking; it’s about crafting narratives that fly in the face of reality. The conservative audience sees the humorous irony in this selective scrutiny. With Dale’s latest antics, the world is reminded once again that, when it comes to media, the rules change depending on which party is in power.

Written by Staff Reports

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