
Cracker Barrel Betrays Core Fans, Embraces LGBT Parade

Cracker Barrel is the latest corporation to join the “rainbow brigade” by participating in the celebration of Pride month. It’s a shame when a “Christian” conservative corporation caves to the progressive mafias that control purple and blue states. Cracker Barrel’s core customer base will not support the LGBT agenda, and adding rainbow décor is a slap in the face to loyal customers. But not everyone is outraged by the display; some have said they will now eat at the restaurant. Perhaps this display is only in select locations, as it was not present in the southern states where the author recently ate at Cracker Barrel locations.

This push for inclusivity is not new and is further detailed on the company’s website. It includes removing culturally insensitive items from internal decor, partnering with more diverse businesses and hiring a more diverse workforce.

This DEI road started years ago, and it proves that totally throwing your core base under the bus for a social agenda is a failure in marketing and loyalty to consumers. Dancing with people who do not align with your core values is never wise, and Cracker Barrel may soon feel the backlash. We might see a suicide watch soon for the corporation.

Source: Red State

Written by Staff Reports

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