
Deception Unveiled: FBI Misleads on Key Hunter Probe Details!

Newly released documents from the FBI and Department of Justice have revealed yet another scandal surrounding Hunter Biden and the Biden family. Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss, who was responsible for prosecuting Hunter for tax and fraud crimes, was fed false information regarding the origins of the allegations against Hunter. The FBI misled Weiss by claiming that all allegations stemmed from Rudy Giuliani, a partisan attorney working for former President Trump. In reality, this was a deliberate attempt by the FBI to hide a whistleblower interview that implicated President Biden in accepting a bribe from Ukrainian officials.

Internal emails obtained by The Federalist shed light on the FBI’s handling of the Hunter Biden scandal. Originally leaked to the New York Times, the information suggested that the only reason the investigation into Hunter was initiated was because of Giuliani’s involvement and the discovery of Hunter’s notorious laptop. Once the NYT published their story, the FBI’s Office of Public Affairs National Press Office leaked it to Weiss’ office in Baltimore, one month after the 2020 election.

These emails raise serious questions about whether Attorney Weiss was adequately informed about a confidential source interviewed by the FBI. This source claimed to have evidence that then-Vice President Biden accepted a $5 million bribe from Ukrainian officials. The source alleged that Biden used his position to pressure the Ukrainian government into firing a prosecutor who was investigating Hunter’s employer, Burisma Energy, for corruption.

Incredibly, the FBI had documented this whistleblower interview in an FD-1023 form but deliberately withheld it from congressional Republicans who were investigating potential criminal activity by Hunter and his father. Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Chuck Grassley has rightfully criticized the DOJ for hiding evidence related to Biden’s alleged ties to Ukraine. Another source later confirmed to Weiss that the FBI had corroborated the allegations made by the confidential source.

If Weiss had received this crucial information in a timely manner, he would have known that the confidential source had interacted with a Burisma executive who claimed to have been coerced into paying Biden and Hunter $5 million each in exchange for their assistance in ousting the prosecutor investigating the company.

It is deeply concerning that during the 2020 campaign, Biden officials and their allies in the intelligence community dismissed these allegations as part of a “Russian disinformation” campaign. Now, two years into Biden’s presidency, his son faces multiple charges, and Weiss’s office is still negotiating the terms of a plea deal. House Republicans are even considering impeachment proceedings against President Biden, citing, in part, the evidence that was withheld by the FBI. This scandal raises serious questions about the Biden family’s ethics and whether they are above the law.

It is shocking to see the lengths to which the FBI went to protect the Bidens and keep damaging information hidden. It is clear that the FBI has been politicized and is not interested in pursuing justice when it comes to the Biden family. This is just another example of the double standard that exists in our justice system. If this were any other family, they would have been held accountable a long time ago. It’s time for the American people to demand answers and for President Biden to be held responsible for his actions.

Written by Staff Reports

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