
Democrat Duo Calls on Biden to Federalize Texas National Guard, Undermining GOP Governor at the Border

In a stunning display of Democratic arrogance, two members of the House of Representatives, Joaquin Castro and Greg Casar, have called on President Joe Biden to federalize the Texas National Guard. These two liberals are clearly trying to undermine the authority of Republican Governor Greg Abbott and create chaos at the border.

Governor Abbott rightfully stood his ground after the Supreme Court ruled that the Biden administration could remove concertina wire placed by Texas on the border. He made it clear that the National Guard was playing a crucial role in erecting barriers to help secure our border. But apparently, Castro and Casar think they know better than the governor and want Biden to swoop in and take control.

It’s not surprising that these Democrats are resorting to such extreme measures. They have a long history of prioritizing the interests of illegal immigrants over the safety and security of American citizens. By calling for federal control of the National Guard, they are essentially advocating for open borders and turning a blind eye to the very real threats posed by unchecked illegal immigration.

It’s worth noting that federalizing the National Guard is a drastic step that has rarely been taken in our nation’s history. The last time it happened was in 1957, when President Dwight D. Eisenhower had to step in to prevent Democratic Governor Orval E. Faubus from using the Arkansas National Guard to block black students from attending a school. The fact that Castro and Casar are equating Abbott’s efforts to secure the border with such a historic civil rights issue shows just how out of touch they are.

The truth is, Abbott is not violating any laws or endangering anyone. He is simply trying to address the crisis at our southern border, where hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants have been encountered in just the first two months of this fiscal year. The numbers don’t lie, and it’s clear that the Biden administration’s lax immigration policies are only making the problem worse.

It’s unfortunate that the White House has not yet responded to this absurd request from Castro and Casar. But it’s not surprising considering Biden’s weak stance on immigration. He seems more interested in appeasing the radical left than actually securing our borders and protecting American citizens.

In the end, this call to federalize the Texas National Guard is just another example of Democrats putting their own political agenda ahead of the well-being of the American people. Thankfully, Governor Abbott is not backing down and will continue to prioritize the safety of Texans. It’s time for Democrats to start listening to the voices of the American people and stop playing politics with our national security.

Written by Staff Reports

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