
Democrat Revolt: Phillips Slams Biden, Signals Party Shakeup Ahead!

Congressman Dean Phillips, a Democrat from Minnesota, has released a scathing video attacking President Joe Biden’s policies and calling for a new leader to “pass the torch” in a bid to unseat the incumbent in the next presidential election. The video includes historic audio of former President John F. Kennedy and imagery of significant events like the Apollo rockets, the Twin Towers burning, the death of George Floyd, and post-Roe protests. The ad, backed by a super PAC supporting Phillips, comes amidst troubling polling data for President Biden, showing him trailing former President Donald Trump in key swing states and losing support among independent and Black voters.

Phillips’ ad reflects growing concerns about President Biden’s policies and his ability to secure the Democratic nomination for the next election. The President’s age, as he turned 81, has also come under scrutiny due to his history of falls and other moments of perceived fragility. In response to the concerns, advisors have reportedly launched a plan to provide Biden with special shoes and smaller staircases to minimize the risk of mishaps.

Amidst this, David Axelrod, a former advisor to President Barack Obama, has raised doubts about President Biden’s decision to seek reelection, leading to private criticism from the President. The growing unease within Democratic circles highlights the potential challenges Biden may face in securing another term in office.

In the face of these developments, Phillips’ ad serves as a reminder of the growing discontent within the Democratic Party and the push for new leadership to “pass the torch” to a new generation of leaders. With the 2024 election looming, the political landscape is becoming increasingly complex, and President Biden’s reelection bid may face significant obstacles, as highlighted by Congressman Phillips’ pointed critique and the shifting poll numbers.

Written by Staff Reports

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