
Dem Challenger Exposes Biden’s Failures: Time to Pass the Torch!

In a stunning display of honesty, President Joe Biden’s challenger for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination, Congressman Dean Phillips, has come out swinging against the incumbent. In a new ad that is making waves, Phillips boldly proclaims what everyone already knows: Biden’s policies have failed, and it’s time to “pass the torch.”

The ad, shared on social media, features powerful audio from former President John F. Kennedy, calling for the nation to embrace its better angels. Against this backdrop, the ad shows footage of Apollo rockets, the burning Twin Towers, the death of George Floyd, and post-Roe protests. It doesn’t hold back in its criticism of Biden, with a female narrator delivering a scathing rebuke of the president.

With recent polling data revealing that President Biden is trailing former President Donald Trump in five out of six swing states, this ad couldn’t have come at a worse time for the beleaguered incumbent. What’s even more devastating for Biden is that he is losing support among independent voters, and Trump’s popularity among Black voters is at an all-time high for a Republican presidential candidate since the Civil Rights era.

The White House is now scrambling as doubts grow about Biden’s ability to defend his domestic and foreign policies. But the biggest concern of all is his advanced age. Biden just turned 81 and has a history of falls, stumbles, and zone-outs that have many questioning his fitness to lead. In response, his advisors have put together a ridiculous plan involving special shoes and smaller staircases to minimize his moments of fragility. It’s a sad state of affairs when the leader of the free world needs special shoes and handy staircases to get through the day.

Even David Axelrod, former top advisor to President Barack Obama, seems to be losing faith in Biden’s ability to serve. After suggesting that the incumbent should seriously consider not seeking re-election, Biden reacted by privately calling him a “prick.” Axelrod posed a simple question: Is it wise for Biden to continue running, or is it time for him to step aside and prioritize the best interests of the country? It seems even those who once supported Biden are starting to have doubts.

This ad from Congressman Dean Phillips is a wake-up call for the Democratic Party. It’s time for them to acknowledge that Biden’s policies have failed and that the torch needs to be passed to a new leader who can truly address the needs of the American people. With their candidate’s popularity waning and support among key demographics slipping away, the Democrats are in for a rude awakening if they stick with Biden. The time for change is now, whether they like it or not.

Written by Staff Reports

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