
Unstoppable Jim Jordan Slams Down Subpoena in Impeachment Showdown

Congressman Jim Jordan, the outspoken chair of the House Judiciary Committee, has issued a subpoena to Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf as part of the investigation into Hunter Biden and any potential political wrongdoings. The subpoena is aimed at uncovering any attempts by President Joe Biden, Attorney General Merrick Garland, or their allies to influence the investigation or provide information to defense attorneys.

The House Judiciary Committee believes that Wolf has specialized information that is crucial to their inquiry. They suspect that prosecutors may have alerted Hunter Biden’s lawyers about an upcoming search warrant for a storage locker. They are also concerned about the “the big guy” references in communications between Hunter and his business associates that are believed to refer to President Biden.

Wolf works under Delaware’s U.S. Attorney and special counsel, David Weiss. Earlier this year, Weiss charged Hunter Biden with tax evasion and felony gun possession. However, a plea deal fell through when defense attorneys raised objections. The New York Times reported that federal prosecutors intended to drop all charges against Hunter until whistleblowers within the IRS and FBI came forward with allegations of preferential treatment.

Weiss, who testified before the Judiciary Committee, maintains that political considerations did not influence Wolf’s decision to pursue charges against Hunter Biden. He praised her as an excellent lawyer and a person of integrity.

In response to the ongoing investigation, Hunter Biden’s attorneys have criticized Republicans, including Rudy Giuliani and Steve Bannon, for politicizing the case. Hunter himself has even sued the federal government, claiming that he has been embarrassed by his own father’s administration. It seems like they are trying to shift the focus away from the potential wrongdoings being examined.

This latest move by Congressman Jim Jordan shows that Republicans are determined to get to the bottom of the Hunter Biden investigation. They are rightfully concerned about any potential political interference or preferential treatment. It’s important that the truth is uncovered, regardless of who is involved. The fact that Hunter Biden is suing his own father’s government for embarrassing him is a clear attempt to divert attention and avoid accountability. The American people deserve transparency and justice, and this investigation is a step in the right direction.

Written by Staff Reports

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Jim Jordan Subpoenas Prosecutor in Bid to Expose Hunter Biden Saga

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