
DOJ Targets Cori Bush in Taxpayer Cash Scandal

Amidst all the brouhaha on Capitol Hill, Representative Cori Bush (D-MO) is once again under the microscope for her alleged misuse of taxpayer funds, much to the chagrin of conservatives everywhere. It seems that the Department of Justice is digging into her use of private security funds, and it’s giving Republicans a field day.

According to reports from Punchbowl News, the DOJ has subpoenaed the House Sergeant at Arms for records related to Bush’s alleged misspending of taxpayer funds designated for personal security. And get this – the House clerk even had to read a notice on the floor of the chamber, formally informing everyone that the Sergeant at Arms had been slapped with a grand jury subpoena by the DOJ. Talk about drama!

Now, this isn’t Bush’s first rodeo when it comes to facing the music for alleged financial shenanigans. She had the Federal Elections Commission hot on her heels for purportedly misusing campaign funds for private security before. It turns out her campaign hired her now-hubby, Cortney Merritts, for private security services, even though the poor guy didn’t have the necessary license for the job. Tsk tsk!

To top it all off, ol’ Merritts didn’t snag his license until February 2023, right around the time when he and Bush tied the knot. And guess what? She kept funneling campaign moolah into his pockets after that. Quelle surprise! Private security payments from Bush’s campaign to Merritts reportedly added up to a pretty penny, totaling tens of thousands of dollars. Cha-ching! But hey, at least these payments came from her campaign account and not directly from taxpayer funds… small mercies and all, right?

In a rather bizarre turn of events, Bush found herself in a toothache-induced tizzy when a Punchbowl reporter dared to ask her about the investigation. Oh, the melodrama! Instead of addressing the allegations head-on, she lashed out and dismissed her detractors, insisting that defunding the police was still the way to go. Unbelievable!

And who could forget the whole “Defund the Police” hullabaloo? Bush, a vocal proponent of the movement, has been on the receiving end of heightened scrutiny due to her hefty private security expenditures. She’s even hired what some sources are dubbing an “anti-Semitic spiritual guru” for her security needs. The audacity!

What’s even more infuriating for the conservative crowd is the stark contrast between the post-January 6 security measures and the current probe into Bush’s financial affairs. Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi was quick to throw around taxpayer-funded security and even had the Capitol decked out with fencing and razor wire. The cost? Oh, just a few million taxpayer dollars. But when it comes to Bush’s alleged financial fumbles, it’s open season for the long arm of the law. The hypocrisy is mind-boggling!

So there you have it, folks. Representative Cori Bush finds herself back in the hot seat, and conservatives are reveling in the political theater. Another day in the tumultuous world of Washington, D.C.!

Written by Staff Reports

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