
Emirati Royals and Hassidic Jews at UAE’s Biggest Jewish Wedding

Exactly two years after the signing of the Trump-brokered Abraham Accords, on Wednesday night in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, Hassidic Jews joined arms with Emirati glitterati to dance at the wedding of the Gulf nation's senior rabbi.

About 1,500 individuals, including officials and Emirati royals as well as rabbis from all over the globe, attended Rabbi Levi Duchman and Lea Hadad's opulent wedding.

The Abraham Accords were signed in Washington, DC on September 15, 2020 to establish diplomatic relations between Israel, the UAE, Bahrain, and Morocco.

In addition to being the second anniversary of the agreements, this day also happened to be the birthday of Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, the founder of the Chabad-Lubavitch organisation, and the Hebrew birth date of the Baal Shemtov, the founder of the Hassidic movement, from the seventeenth century.

Duchman, a 29-year-old native of Brooklyn, New York, has been based in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) since 2014, where he has been serving as head rabbi to the country's rapidly expanding Jewish population.

Hadad, now 27 years old, is the daughter of Belgium's Chief Rabbi Menachem Hadad and is of Jewish Moroccan origin.

As the Chabad organisation put it, the wedding “is a source of great national pride, as a demonstration and living experience of the Emirates’ longstanding investment in creating a culture of coexistence and religious diversity,”

Duchman was instrumental in constructing synagogues, Jewish schools, and ritual baths around the Emirates, as well as a Kosher certifying body.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on Breit Bart.

Written by Staff Reports

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