
Ex-Dem Governor Fears Citizen Revolt Over Uncontrolled Migrant Crisis

The mismanagement of the immigration crisis by the Biden administration is provoking a surprising backlash from prominent Democrats in the deep blue state of New York. The former Democratic governor of New York, David Paterson, warns of an imminent "revolt" by American cities if the federal government fails to resolve the migrant crisis.

Paterson believes that addressing the issue publicly is necessary to rouse the Biden administration. He criticised the government for relocating immigrants to various locations without providing adequate financial assistance. Paterson even suggested that cities confronting challenges comparable to those of New York might push back against the national approach, resulting in a potential "city versus country revolt."

While demonstrating compassion for migrants, Paterson emphasised that support must be sustainable. He stated, "I believe the majority of people have compassion for the plight of the migrants and wish to assist. However, as in any situation, you should give as much as you can and not as much as they believe you should.

Also a Democrat, New York City Mayor Eric Adams was unreserved in his criticism of the Biden administration's refusal to grant the right to work to approximately 100,000 migrants in the city. He called this policy "anti-American" and exhorted the city to keep welcoming asylum seekers.

Adams emphasised that it is unacceptable for immigrants to turn against one another, emphasising the inclusive nature of New York. He questioned why the federal government denies migrants the right to work, declaring, "What could be more anti-American than denying someone the ability to work? It is inexcusable that they are unable to labour."

Both Paterson and Adams were concerned about the financial impact of the influx of immigrants. By June 2024, according to Mayor Adams, the city could be faced with approximately 100,000 asylum-seekers, which could cost approximately $12 billion over three years.

Paterson criticised the Biden administration for transferring migrants without a comprehensive plan and in a hasty manner. He argued that more time should have been spent adjusting capacity and facilities in the recipient cities. Currently, New York City spends approximately $383 per night per household of asylum-seekers.

The enormous financial implications of this predicament were highlighted by Mayor Adams, who stated that they amount to nearly $10 million per day and over $3.6 billion per year. He emphasised that this is only the beginning and emphasised the severity of the crisis.

Written by Staff Reports

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