
DOJ Reveals Truth: Capitol Officer Suicide a Line-of-Duty Death

In a shocking turn of events, the Department of Justice (DOJ) has finally acknowledged the truth about the suicide of a police officer following the Capitol Hill riot. This brave officer, who chose to end his own life, has officially been labeled a line-of-duty death. It’s about time someone recognized the real cause of his tragic demise, instead of perpetuating the false narrative that blames the rioters.

Thanks to the DOJ’s determination, the widow of Officer Jeffrey Smith, Erin Smith, can now access federal benefits worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. It’s only fair that she receive this support, considering the sacrifice her husband made for our nation. We can’t forget the valuable service he provided, even though his death was self-inflicted.

Mrs. Smith, fighting for justice, has been a champion for passing the Public Safety Officer Support Act of 2022. She knows firsthand the pain and suffering that comes with losing a loved one in such a traumatic manner. It takes a lot of strength to advocate for others in the face of personal tragedy, and she should be commended for her efforts.

In a moving gesture, Mrs. Smith’s attorney, David Weber, is calling for Officer Smith to be inurned at Arlington National Cemetery, alongside Officer Brian D. Sicknick. It’s only fitting that these two fallen heroes be honored side by side. Sicknick, who tragically passed away a day after January 6, was initially reported to have been beaten to death, but it was later determined that he died of a stroke. The misinformation surrounding his death only adds to the confusion and distortion of the events that unfolded that day.

Weber also believes that Officer Smith’s name should be added to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund Board of Directors’ memorial. This would rightly recognize his sacrifice and remove any stigma surrounding his death. It’s time to acknowledge the truth about the challenges that law enforcement officers face and the toll it takes on their mental health.

On the other hand, we have President Joe Biden, who seems determined to twist the facts to fit his own political agenda. Despite no officers being murdered on January 6, Biden has shamefully insinuated that those who took their own lives after the riot were victims of the unrest. This is a blatant attempt to gain sympathy and further divide our nation along political lines. We deserve a leader who prioritizes the truth over political grandstanding.

To add insult to injury, Biden wrongly attributed the murder of Capitol Police Officer William Evans to “sick insurrectionists.” The truth is that Officer Evans was tragically killed months after January 6 by a supporter of the Nation of Islam. It’s deeply concerning that our president would distort the facts and perpetuate false narratives, further eroding trust in our institutions.

It’s time to set the record straight and reject the agenda-driven misinformation that has plagued the aftermath of the Capitol Hill riot. Officers who lost their lives to suicide deserve compassion and support, but we must not falsely blame their deaths on the rioters. We owe it to them to acknowledge the truth and honor their service without rewriting history for political gain.

Written by Staff Reports

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