
Explosive Bribe Allegations: Did FBI Cover up Biden’s Ukraine Scandal?

In explosive new allegations, House Oversight Chair James Comer has revealed that a bribe was sent to then-Vice President Joe Biden in 2017 related to Hunter Biden’s corrupt business dealings in Ukraine. This shocking news comes after FBI officials have been accused of failing to disclose details about these allegations to lawmakers in a clear effort to protect the Bidens.

Speaking with Just The News, Comer disclosed details contained within a 1023 form that the FBI has until now refused to reveal. The FBI Director only allowed a limited viewing for the Oversight chair after being threatened with a contempt of Congress charge. This limited disclosure reveals that the FBI was allegedly aware of a bribe sent to Biden, yet failed to take any action to hold the Vice President accountable.

House Republicans plan to investigate whether the FBI excused these allegations as “Russian disinformation” in a pattern of behavior that has sought to protect the Bidens from scrutiny. The Bureau has previously attempted to dismiss allegations about Hunter Biden’s corrupt dealings, claiming that they were produced by Russian operatives seeking to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. These allegations were debunked, but the FBI continues to betray the American people by failing to take action against the Bidens.

The Oversight Committee is now exploring the truth behind allegations that President Biden took part in a $5 million bribery scheme launched by members of his family. These family members lobbied on behalf of foreign companies seeking influence in Washington, and the whistleblowers at the FBI have testified about the hardships they have faced for claiming their agency has interfered in the investigation of criminal activity by Hunter Biden.

Tragically, a coalition of veteran former agents has decried “politicization” at the FBI. The Bureau has been caught up in partisan efforts to protect the Bidens, leading to high-profile Republicans like Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene introducing articles of impeachment against Director Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland. It is time for the American people to demand the truth, accountability, and justice – no matter who they implicate.

Source: Trending Politics

Written by Staff Reports

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