
FBI Exposed: Incompetence & Secrets in Pipe Bomb Probe – Finally Demanded to Act!

The House Judiciary Committee is demanding answers from the FBI about the pipe bomb incidents that occurred near the DNC and the Republican National Committee's headquarters. It’d be great to see them come clean about their actions so far. The agency has been incredibly uncooperative and sneaky.

Through a collaboration between Congressman Thomas Massie and Revolver News, various inquiries have been made regarding the incident. One of these is the claim made by Steven D’Antuono, a former FBI official. In an interview, he said that the agency was not sure if the pipe bomb was a diversionary tactic or if the attacker was a woman.

According to D’Antuono, the FBI did not have a clear procedure when it came to investigating pipe bombs. This lack of competency and transparency is very embarrassing for the agency. He also stated that the bombs could cause death or harm.

The FBI's failure to investigate the pipe bomb found outside the DNC raises serious questions about their competence. It is also unclear whether the agency even spoke with the person responsible for the discovery.

In response to the incident, the House Judiciary Committee gave Christopher Wray, the FBI's director, an ultimatum: by June 28, 2023, he must provide all the documents related to the investigation into the pipe bomb attack. This request for accountability serves as a further reminder of the tension between the law enforcers and the House Judiciary Committee.

It's time for the FBI to come clean and explain how and why they failed to investigate the incidents. People are tired of political games and the endless speculation about the perpetrator.

Source: Trending Politics

Written by Staff Reports

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