
FBI Files: Hunter’s Burisma Salary Despite Potato IQ

Newly released FBI files have confirmed what Republicans have long suspected: Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, was paid a substantial salary by Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings despite being as intelligent as a potato. The documents reveal that Burisma CEO Mykola Zlochevsky openly expressed his belief that his own dog was far smarter than Hunter Biden. Yet, astonishingly, the company justified keeping Hunter on the board because, in their eyes, he was the lesser of two stupids.

Republicans have argued for years that Hunter Biden’s position at Burisma was rife with corruption, highlighting his lack of expertise or skills relevant to the energy sector. The fact that even Burisma acknowledged his lack of intelligence only strengthens these concerns. It is clear that his ties to the Biden name, rather than any qualifications, secured him the cushy job.

According to the FBI memo, Zlochevsky stated that Joe Biden would handle any issues resulting from prosecutor Viktor Shokin’s investigation into Burisma. Another executive admitted that Hunter was specifically hired to use his father’s influence to protect the company from potential problems. The picture that emerges is one of nepotism and backdoor dealings on an unprecedented scale.

While Joe Biden and his supporters have consistently denied any wrongdoings and claimed that his involvement in Ukraine was purely in the interest of combating corruption, the evidence tells a different story. Burisma’s own CEO referred to Joe Biden as the “big guy,” a nickname commonly associated with the president, suggesting a direct link between the Bidens and the company’s operations.

Shocking revelations continue to emerge from the FBI files, with Zlochevsky admitting that he was coerced into paying $10 million to the Biden family and possessing voice recordings as proof. Additionally, a dinner between Joe Biden and another Burisma executive raises further questions about the extent of their relationship.

Devon Archer, a former business partner of Hunter Biden, is expected to testify before Congress, shedding more light on the frequent interactions between Hunter and his father’s business associates. The truth behind these phone calls may reveal a web of corruption that the White House has diligently denied, dismissing any evidence as nothing more than a partisan smear.

It is clear that congressional Republicans are determined to uncover the truth and hold the Biden family accountable, regardless of the White House’s attempts to dismiss their efforts as “dishonest politics.” The American people deserve transparency and honesty from their leaders, and the revelations from the FBI files only deepen suspicions that the Bidens were engaged in questionable activities. It is high time that the truth is brought to light and the Biden administration faces consequences for any potential wrongdoings.

Written by Staff Reports

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