
Fired CNN Boss Licht Tanks Network, Profits Dive – Darcy Spills Insider Fallout!

CNN’s ex-boss Chris Licht was rightfully fired after destroying the reputation of the Left-leaning network due to his series of severe missteps, according to Oliver Darcy, a renowned media reporter. Going on record, Darcy highlighted how Licht’s incompetence caused the network’s profits to shrink and plummeted morale, resulting in decreasing viewership.

Licht’s terrible call of inviting former President Trump to a town hall event was the final nail in his coffin, as viewership plummeted further. Earlier this week, Darcy had criticized Licht’s performance in a scathing column that had predicted the former CEO’s imminent firing.

When Darcy questioned Licht’s ability to lead the network and its staff in “Reliable Sources,” he documented that Licht had effectively alienated much of CNN’s employee base, ruining the goodwill that existed when he took up the position. Licht was too late in his efforts to reset relations after over a year into his role, Darcy added, stating that many CNN employees had already hit the wall with the CEO.

Licht’s apology to employees’ staff after an exposé that displayed CNN workers in a bad light was a shallow move that did nothing to quell calls for his resignation. Despite the CEO’s promises to move his office to another floor, CNN employees demanded Licht’s complete removal.

Now that Licht has left the building, CNN faces a glum future indeed. The network needs to distance itself from Licht’s ways and get back to balanced reporting if it hopes to win back its shrinking viewer base.

Written by Staff Reports

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