
Florida’s DeSantis Stumbles, Christie Races Ahead in NH!

In some surprising news out of New Hampshire, a new poll has shown that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has dropped to third place in the Republican presidential primary race. According to the poll conducted by Emerson College, DeSantis now sits behind former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, with former President Donald Trump maintaining a commanding lead.

This is a significant development since DeSantis had been holding on to a strong second place among the GOP candidates, consistently outpacing the rest of the pack. However, it seems that Christie has gained momentum in New Hampshire and has now surpassed DeSantis in the polls.

While some may find these poll results shocking, another separate survey conducted in August also showed a decline in support for DeSantis and a rise in support for Christie. The NH Journal/co-efficient poll found that Trump still leads with 43% support, but DeSantis and Christie tied for second place, both with 9% support.

Despite these recent polls, the RealClearPolitics average of polls still places DeSantis in second place overall. However, it’s worth noting that his support has been steadily declining and is now at around 14.8%. In contrast, Trump maintains a strong lead with 54.6% support.

It remains to be seen whether DeSantis can regain his footing and turn the tide in his favor. The race for the Republican nomination is heating up, and candidates will need to make their case to voters if they want to come out on top. As for Christie, his rise in the polls shows that he shouldn’t be underestimated. It’s an interesting turn of events that adds even more excitement to an already competitive primary race.

Written by Staff Reports

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