
Fox News Legal Chief Exits, Network Stumbles Post-Carlson

Oh boy, has it been a tough year for Fox News since their dear Tucker Carlson left the building. He was the ratings king, the sole truth-teller! But alas, the network’s troubles persist.

According to NBC News, Fox News’ chief legal officer, Viet Dinh, has called it quits. And no, he’s not walking away empty-handed. Fox News will be showering him with a whopping $23 million in severance pay. Talk about a golden parachute!

But fear not, fellow conservatives. Dinh won’t be too far away. He’s not just leaving, he’s becoming a special adviser to the network, raking in an additional $5 million over his two-year contract. How lovely, right?

Of course, Fox News CEO Lachlan Murdoch had to release a statement praising Dinh’s service. It’s all about appearances, after all. But let’s not forget that this entire debacle likely happened because Dinh led the network’s brass astray, making them believe they had a fighting chance against Dominion Voting Systems.

Fortune even spilled the tea, stating that Dinh’s unwavering optimism led to extended litigation and embarrassing revelations. Whoops! Turns out, the Murdochs and their trusted peeps were caught on tape doubting the election claims they were peddling. Yikes!

In his statement, Dinh expressed his gratitude for being a part of the Fox family for over two decades. Ah, they grow up so fast, don’t they? But his heartwarming words won’t overshadow the fact that Fox News is still struggling to win back their core audience and regain their former glory.

Let’s face it, folks. Without Tucker Carlson and with all these legal battles, it’s no wonder Fox News is stumbling. But fear not, my conservative comrades! We must remain loyal to the cause and seek our news elsewhere. After all, the truth will always find a way to shine through the darkness of biased media. Stay strong!

Written by Staff Reports

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