
GOP Pushes SAVE Act to Secure Elections Against Biden’s Lax Policies

With less than five months until the 2024 presidential election, Republicans are doubling down to protect the sacred institution of American voting, battling against the Biden Administration’s questionable policies that threaten election security. Republican lawmakers are pushing for the enactment of the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, a proposal that would require proof of citizenship to register to vote—a requirement that Democrats, in their typical fashion, claim is based on a so-called “made-up” issue concocted by Republicans.

Representative Chip Roy from Texas isn’t buying what the Democrats are selling. He argues that there is substantial evidence proving that illegal immigrants are participating in U.S. elections. Roy isn’t just waving around baseless claims; he’s pointing to studies showing that non-citizen votes have swung results, notably citing how votes from non-citizens allegedly tipped the scales for Senator Al Franken in Minnesota. Roy also highlighted how Virginia had to purge over 1,500 ineligible registered voters just last year.

Current federal law, according to Roy, handcuffs states from verifying voter citizenship, effectively opening the doors for illegal voting in federal elections. The Motor Voter Act further restricts states’ abilities to gather the necessary information to ensure voter eligibility, making the task of keeping elections secure akin to fighting with one hand tied behind the back.

In response to these glaring vulnerabilities, the SAVE Act seeks to untangle this mess by fixing these issues. Roy points out that some states, like North Dakota, have little to no voter registration requirements, allowing just about anyone to cast a ballot. This patchwork of state laws leaves a lot to chance, particularly in highly populated states like California or Texas. The SAVE Act would streamline the process, ensuring that citizenship verification is a standard requirement across the board, keeping elections free and fair.

Republicans are making it clear that they will not stand by while loopholes in the system undermine the sanctity of American democracy. The SAVE Act aims to rectify these “glitches” in the current system and address complex issues that have long been exploited. It’s high time for a real solution that preserves the integrity of elections, an objective that should be simple and straightforward. The upcoming vote on the SAVE Act will be a pivotal moment for ensuring the future credibility and security of American elections.

Written by Staff Reports

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