
Greene Pushes Forward With Confidence Vote Against Speaker Johnson

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is not giving up on her plans to push for a confidence vote on Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), despite warnings from Democratic leaders that they will block the effort if it reaches the House floor. Greene announced on Wednesday that she will move forward with the motion next week, setting the stage for a potential showdown between Republican leaders.

Greene has been vocal about her dissatisfaction with Johnson’s leadership, accusing him of aligning with Democratic priorities. She has been joined by other Republicans, including Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY), who has also called for Johnson to step down. Despite this, Johnson has refused to resign, leading to a standoff within the Republican Conference.

House Democratic leadership has come out against Greene’s motion, pledging to table the legislation if it comes to the floor. With a slim Republican majority in the House, the motion faces an uphill battle for approval. Several House Republicans have also expressed opposition to removing the speaker, which could further complicate Greene’s efforts.

Despite the challenges, Greene remains steadfast in her determination to bring the motion forward, putting pressure on her GOP colleagues to take a stand on the issue. The upcoming vote is poised to be a significant moment for the Republican Conference as it grapples with internal divisions over Johnson’s leadership.

As the debate over the confidence vote continues, it remains to be seen how Republican lawmakers will navigate the growing tension within their party.

Written by Staff Reports

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