
Haley Harnesses Sununu Surge, Outflanks Trump in NH Race

Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley is making big moves in the Granite State with her campaign ad featuring an endorsement from none other than Governor Chris Sununu. Even though she lags behind former President Donald Trump in the national polls, Haley is gaining solid ground in New Hampshire, a state known for its centrist Republican Party. In this neck of the woods, her pal, Governor Sununu, who’s a centrist Republican himself, is giving her a boost to help close the gap.

Sununu praised Haley in the ad, hailing her as a leader who lifts others up and a true “Live Free Or Die” Republican who’s all about fiscal responsibility and individual liberty. He’s even called her a fresh face of conservative leadership to help wipe away the chaos and drama of the past. With Sununu flexing his support, it’s clear he sees Haley as the top alternative to Trump, especially after making headlines for speaking out against the former president and toying with the idea of running for president himself.

Haley’s campaign team is all about riding the wave of Sununu’s endorsement, touting it as solid proof of Haley’s surging momentum. With just 28 days left until the New Hampshire primary, Haley’s camp is revving up to bring that “Live Free or Die” spirit all the way to the White House.

The New Hampshire Republican presidential primary is fast approaching on Jan. 23, and it’s definitely going to be one to watch as one of the first in the nation. With Governor Sununu in her corner, Haley’s campaign is looking to make some big waves in the Granite State and beyond.

Written by Staff Reports

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