
Trump’s Health Care: ObamaCare’s Days Numbered?

In a bold and brash move, former President Donald Trump is vowing to kick Obamacare to the curb and bring in his own healthcare revolution if he makes a grand return to the White House. The man himself took to his favorite soapbox, Truth Social, to declare, “Obamacare is too expensive, and otherwise, not good healthcare. I will come up with a much better, and less expensive, alternative! People will be happy, not sad!”

This isn’t the first time Mr. Trump has taken swings at former President Barack Obama’s prized healthcare law. He’s been pounding on Obamacare like a punching bag for years, branding it as a disaster that’s left Americans with a hefty bill and a whole lot of disappointment. And in case you didn’t catch the memo, he’s not just huffing and puffing for show. He’s serious about this, folks. Just last month, he made it crystal clear that whipping up a healthcare system that’s “much better” than Obamacare is at the tippity top of his to-do list if he gets another shot at running the country.

Mr. Trump tried to pull this rabbit out of the hat back in 2016, and then he waved pom-poms for a bill to give Obamacare the boot in 2017. Spoiler alert: his plans got more tangled than a plate of spaghetti in Congress. He’s doubling down on his promise to swap out Obamacare for something that’ll make your socks go up and down.

Now, Mr. Trump’s not alone in this crusade against Obamacare. There’s a whole squadron of Republicans itching to nix the current healthcare setup. Take Sen. Bill Cassidy, for example. He’s been chanting the “replace Obamacare” mantra for ages. But here’s the juicy bit – not everyone’s doing cartwheels at the idea of Mr. Trump’s healthcare overhaul. Senate Republican Whip John Thune isn’t exactly doing the twist at the thought of shaking up the healthcare game plan. He’s giving Mr. Trump’s promise the side-eye and saying, “I’d want to know what the proposal is.”

But who says Republicans have all the fun? Democrats are giving Mr. Trump a royal thumbs down on his big healthcare dream. The Biden-Harris campaign’s very own Seth Schuster ripped into Mr. Trump’s Obamacare axe idea like a tornado in a trailer park, calling his online chatter an “erratic Christmas Day rant.” 


Written by Staff Reports

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