
Hollywood Elites Turn on Biden as Prominent Supporters Call for 2024 Withdrawal

Liberal Hollywood elites are turning on President Joe Biden, with even staunch supporters like director and actor Rob Reiner calling for his withdrawal from the 2024 presidential election. In a shocking change of heart, Reiner, who has been a key fundraising bundler for Biden, took to social media to demand that the President “step down” for the good of democracy.

This shift in support comes on the heels of Biden’s lackluster performance at the first presidential debate, which served as a tipping point for many in Hollywood who had previously backed him. The likes of Netflix co-founder Reed Hastings and Disney heiress Abigail Disney, who have been generous donors to the Democratic Party, have also distanced themselves from Biden in the aftermath of the debate.

Despite the growing dissent among liberal Hollywood elites, Biden has remained firm in his decision not to heed calls for his resignation from the race. The question now lingers as to whether Biden can weather the storm without the financial support and star power of his once loyal Hollywood base. Time will tell if he can hold onto his bid for re-election in the face of mounting criticism from former allies.

Written by Staff Reports

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