
House Republicans Probe Biden Admin Over Voter Registration Moves

House Republicans are investigating the Biden administration over concerns about a meeting between the White House and left-wing activists regarding voter registration. They are worried that President Biden’s executive order mandating federal agencies to develop voter registration plans with “approved” outside groups will be used to boost Democratic turnout in the upcoming election.

According to GOP lawmakers, this executive order oversteps the president’s authority and disregards the Constitution’s federalist election system. They argue that the states have the power to set the time, manner, and place of their own elections and are concerned that the order may lead to illegal interference in the election process. 


The meeting notes reviewed by the Washington Examiner, obtained by conservative organizations, show discussions about registering illegal immigrants and integrating voter registration into public housing. Republicans believe this is evidence of a coordinated effort between the White House and left-wing activists to target vulnerable populations determined to be likely Biden voters.

Lawmakers are particularly concerned about the use of federal resources and infrastructure for partisan purposes and see the executive order as unconstitutional and in violation of federal rules. They are also investigating whether the Small Business Administration is being used as a campaign arm in battleground states, such as Michigan.

House Republicans are committed to ensuring that the 2024 election is free and fair and will continue to use every tool at their disposal to address their concerns about the Biden administration’s voter registration efforts.

Written by Staff Reports

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