
Hunter’s Art Dodges Child Support: Biden Family Scandal Cover-Up?

It appears that the Biden family’s treatment of Hunter Biden’s child, Lunden Roberts, can be summed up by their lack of acknowledgment and support. Joe Biden may speak of his grandchildren, but does he even know Lunden exists? The Biden name, which Lunden hoped her daughter could use, was even denied by Hunter. Who can blame the mother for not wanting her child burdened with that name? But Hunter couldn’t even grant her that small request.

Previously, we reported on the rumored agreement, and now it has been confirmed. It was Hunter himself who initiated this segment of the ongoing child support battle. Initially, he agreed to pay Roberts $20,000 per month, following a paternity test that proved his fatherhood. However, he later claimed financial hardship and sought to reduce the amount. Interestingly, he repeatedly delayed providing a full account of his financial situation to the court. Eventually, he was compelled to appear at a deposition attended by Roberts, leading to this settlement.

The exact monthly payment Hunter will make for his daughter remains undisclosed, with redactions in the publicly available settlement documents. However, according to a source, the amount might have been reduced to $5,000 per month. As part of the settlement, Roberts agreed to drop her request for the Biden name for their child.

This raises the question: what did Roberts gain from this deal if she seemingly accepted less? Speculation suggests she received something upfront to make the agreement worthwhile. Unfortunately, what she received has been described by our sister site Townhall as the “worst consolation prize in family court history.” Hunter agreed to give his daughter some of his paintings, allowing her to select the artwork or benefit from its potential sales. The number of paintings remains undisclosed but must be at least 24×24 in size.

It’s quite convenient for Hunter to evade the situation without having to provide any substantial financial support. He likely already possesses numerous paintings that could be given to his daughter. These paintings have been valued between $75,000 and $500,000, raising concerns about potential money laundering or questionable financial transactions. The involvement of the White House in concealing the buyers has only added to the suspicion. The arrangement not only shields Hunter from knowing the buyers but also prevents the public from discovering who may be funneling money to him. The fact that the White House intervened in this matter is a concerning conflict of interest, as noted by the Obama ethics chief in 2021.

Furthermore, this settlement halts any further examination of Hunter’s finances, seemingly aimed at clearing the path for his father’s re-election campaign in 2024. However, it does not prevent ongoing investigations into the Biden family’s foreign financial dealings or other legal actions, such as the deposition required in Hunter’s defamation case brought by the computer repair shop owner. If the Bidens believe they can escape the scandals unscathed, they are sorely mistaken.

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Source: Red State

Written by Staff Reports

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