
Jim Jordan Leads MASSIVE Investigation Into FBI, DOJ, & More

As part of their investigation into the possible misuse of government weapons, members of a newly formed House subcommittee have begun looking into various federal agencies.

The members of the group, which is composed of Republican House members, met behind closed doors on Friday to plan their investigations. They are expected to issue subpoenas to investigate the activities of the FBI and the Department of Justice.

After the meeting, Rep Darrell Issa, the chairman of the panel, said that the members of the group would look into other federal agencies. He noted that one of the targets of the investigation would be Twitter.

The panel's leader, Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, said that the committee might issue subpoenas after House Judiciary sent letters to various witnesses as part of its investigations.

The committee's investigations are focused on the activities of the FBI and the Department of Justice. They also look into the government's efforts to go after individuals who speak out against what they see as a woke ideology in schools.

One of the targets of Jordan's investigation is a former FBI employee. He also mentioned that the former head of a disbanded DHS division that handled information requests was also under investigation.

During the meeting, Jordan reportedly told Republicans that the subcommittee would follow a rule similar to that used by Elijah Cummings, the former chair of the Oversight Committee.

Last week, Jordan met with Elon Musk, the CEO of Twitter, to talk about the committee's investigation into the “Twitter Files.” The documents revealed that the FBI coordinated with the social media platform before the 2020 presidential election.

According to Darrell Issa, the goal of the group's subcommittee is to carry out real investigations. They have already interviewed several individuals about various hot-topic issues.

"In an interview, Darrell said that he believed that the committee would be conducting interviews and depositions in a way that is not transparent to the public. He noted that the goal of the investigation is to make the information public."

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on Town Hall.

Written by Staff Reports

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