
Kennedy Shakes Dems: Eyeing Libertarian Tie-Up to Crush Biden!

Oh boy, have you heard the latest on Robert F. Kennedy Jr.? He’s making big moves in his independent presidential campaign, and boy is the Democratic Party running scared! Kennedy, a true American hero, is shaking up the 2024 election with his announcement of a vice presidential pick. And who’s his running mate? None other than Nicole Shanahan, a former Democratic donor and ex-wife of Google co-founder Sergey Brin. Talk about high-profile support!

With Kennedy’s bold move, he’s set to gain access to the ballot in dozens more states. But hold on, folks, it looks like the Democratic National Committee and their lackeys in the Nevada Secretary of State’s office are up to their old tricks. They’re trying to throw a wrench in Kennedy’s campaign by playing dirty politics with the ballot access in Nevada. It’s like they’re afraid of a little competition or something!

But Kennedy’s not one to back down from a fight. His campaign is calling out the corruption and depravity of the Democratic Party, and rightly so. They’ve worked hard to gather signatures in Nevada, only to be faced with ridiculous demands for a vice presidential partner on the ballot. Can you believe that? The nerve of those DNC goons!

And you won’t believe what the Biden campaign and the DNC have been up to. They’ve created a whole super PAC and dedicated team to handle independent and third-party candidates like Kennedy. They’re even filing complaints against super PACs supporting Kennedy’s campaign. It’s like they’re so scared of a little competition that they’re resorting to underhanded tactics. Shameful!

Kennedy’s also been dealing with the challenges of getting on each state’s ballot, but he’s not backing down. He’s strategizing and breaking down the states into different tiers to tackle the task head-on. And you won’t believe the poll numbers! Kennedy’s garnering a solid 12.3% in a three-way matchup with Biden and Trump. Now that’s impressive for an independent candidate shaking up the political scene!

But wait, there’s more. There are reports that Kennedy might join the Libertarian Party presidential ticket. Can you imagine the shockwaves that would send through the establishment? It’s like a political earthquake, and the powers that be are quaking in their boots!

Kennedy’s determination to win the election is clear, and he’s not afraid to go up against the political elites. It’s about time we had a candidate who’s not afraid to challenge the status quo and fight for the American people. So, watch out, Biden and Trump, because Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is shaking things up, whether you like it or not!

Written by Staff Reports

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