
Pence Betrays Trump AGAIN: Hands Over Notes, Aids Bogus Indictment!

Former Vice President Mike Pence has once again shown his true colors by betraying former President Trump. Pence’s latest act of betrayal came when he decided to certify President Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 presidential election. Talk about turning your back on your own party!

But Pence didn’t stop there. Just recently, he handed over “personal notes” to Special Counsel Jack Smith, detailing Trump’s statements and actions after the election. Can you believe the nerve of this guy? Thanks to Pence, the prosecution against Trump has gained more power, as Smith has filed a federal indictment against the 45th president.

The indictment alleges that Trump engaged in a series of criminal conspiracies aimed at overturning the election results. Of course, we all know that this is just another baseless attempt to smear the greatest president in history. It’s clear that Pence is doing everything he can to distance himself from Trump and save his own skin.

According to legal documents, Pence took “contemporaneous notes” of conversations between him and Trump before the protests at the Capitol on January 6th, 2021. But let’s not forget that these so-called notes can easily be manipulated and taken out of context. It’s clear that Pence is trying to paint a false narrative of Trump’s intentions.

The indictment also alleges that Trump used false claims of election fraud to pressure Pence into accepting fraudulent electors and rejecting legitimate electoral votes. But we all know that Trump was just fighting for what is right and trying to uncover the truth behind the rigged election. It’s shameful that Pence would stab him in the back like this.

In his notes, Pence claimed that Trump discussed a lawsuit that argued Pence had exclusive authority to decide which electoral votes should count. But Pence had the audacity to say that he didn’t believe he had that power under the Constitution. Well, maybe if he had a backbone and stood up for his president, he would have realized the importance of taking action to save our democracy.

It’s clear that Pence’s actions were driven by his own self-interest and a desire to distance himself from Trump. He accuses Trump of putting himself over the Constitution, but it’s Pence who is guilty of that. By turning his back on the man who gave him the opportunity to serve as vice president, Pence has shown his true colors. And those colors are not red, white, and blue, but rather yellow. Shame on you, Mike Pence.

Written by Staff Reports

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