
Prepare for Summer Savings by Adjusting Ceiling Fan Direction

As summer comes near, it’s time to prepare your outdoor space with the backyard pool, grill, and changing the ceiling fan direction. Ceiling fans make a big difference in keeping the home comfortable and saving on electricity bills. In the summer, it’s best to set the ceiling fan to spin counterclockwise. This creates a cool breeze and helps maintain the room’s temperature, cutting down the need for constant use of the air conditioner and potentially saving homeowners 47% on cooling costs.

Even during the cold winter months, using the ceiling fan can help distribute the heat from the furnace throughout the house. This means homeowners can keep their thermostats at a lower temperature while still enjoying a warm, cozy home, potentially reducing heating bills by up to 15%. To achieve maximum cooling or heating effect, ceiling fan blades should be set at a minimum of 12 degrees.

Changing the direction of a ceiling fan is simple. The switch to do so is usually located on the main body of the fan, and some newer models even allow for direction change using a remote or an app. By making these small adjustments, homeowners can make their living spaces more comfortable while also saving on energy costs.

Written by Staff Reports

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