It seems the Republican National Committee has had enough of voters from another planet showing up at the polls. In a move that would make Sherlock Holmes proud, the RNC fired off letters to eight Democrat-controlled states demanding they scrub their voter rolls of pesky noncitizens lurking amongst the electorate. The heat turned up when the RNC unearthed a noncitizen in Minnesota who was mailed a primary ballot without so much as raising a finger to request one. No one likes uninvited guests, especially when they mess with the election.
The RNC is doing the job that the Biden administration seems to have forgotten about—ensuring that only legal citizens are voting. Letters were sent to blow-the-whistle on Democratic overseers in states like California and Michigan, instructing them to take action. They were asked to consult a Homeland Security database to root out noncitizen names and bring a shot of reality into their voter lists. The letters were also punctuated with a common-sense reminder that federal elections are for citizens only, a formality that seems to fly over the heads of some in certain states.
GOP Files Emergency Motion to Block Voting Without Proof of Citizenship for 2024 Race.
RNC Chairman Michael Whatley said in a statement that the emergency motion was filed because the RNC believes that “noncitizen voting compromises our elections” and is “committed to stopping…
— Epoch Times Print Edition (@EpochTimesPrint) July 4, 2024
The RNC was clear on the stakes, proclaiming that noncitizen registration is a growing threat to election integrity. And let’s face it, when the Big Guy in the White House is so keen on softening the border, it’s no surprise that the states are left to fend for themselves. Some might think Democrats merely turned a blind eye, but the RNC insists on a proactive approach, pointing to proactive measures taken in Republican states. Virginia, for instance, bragged about purging over 6,000 noncitizen names, while Tennessee is busily checking in on over 14,000 souls to verify their citizenship.
Now, the left’s response often takes a familiar tone, claiming noncitizen voting is rarer than a clean kitchen after a family dinner. They argue that only a handful of folks get prosecuted each election, as if that’s a reasonable barometer for a widespread issue. But the RNC counters that prosecutions are merely the tip of the iceberg. In their eyes, it’s a classic case of “see no evil”. Nobody likes being duped by the Democrats’ refusal to fortify basic safeguards against voting irregularities, and they’ve certainly made it a priority to keep the pressure on.
Chiming in from specific localities, there’s a distinct opportunity for noncitizen voting, particularly in the District of Columbia, where residents can seemingly do just about anything except have a respectable public transportation system. Yet federal law is crystal clear: noncitizens should not be casting ballots for president or Congress. But somehow, they continue to slip through the cracks, and when they do, results trend heavily in favor of Democrats. A recent report highlighted North Carolina’s troubles, where about three dozen noncitizens were charged for voting in the 2016 election. Strikingly, registered Democrats outnumbered their GOP counterparts three-to-one, and if that doesn’t raise an eyebrow, nothing will.
In Minnesota, the situation became downright bizarre, as the RNC exposed a story where a noncitizen found himself with a ballot he never asked for. With the likelihood being that he got registered through some third-party service while obtaining a license, the incident encapsulates the glaring gaps in oversight. The RNC’s insistence on action serves as a reminder that America’s elections should serve Americans—citizens who not only have the right to vote but also the obligation to keep the franchise sacred.