
Sage Steele Spills on Biden’s Creepy Pre-Interview Whisper

Joe Biden, affectionately known as “Creepy Joe,” has once again proven why he earned that nickname. This time, it was during an interview with former ESPN SportsCenter co-host Sage Steele. Steele revealed on Bill Maher’s podcast that Biden struggled to finish his sentences and seemed confused throughout the interview. But the real shocker came before the official start of the interview when Biden made a creepy comment about his hands to Steele. It’s just another example of Biden’s inappropriate behavior towards women.

But it doesn’t stop there. When Steele asked Biden about his football playing days, he couldn’t even finish the story. It’s clear that Biden can’t keep his nose, hands, and inappropriate comments to himself. It’s alarming that someone in such a position of power and responsibility is unable to properly communicate. It makes you wonder how he’s able to handle the countless challenges facing our country.

This is just another reason why Biden’s presidency has been a disaster. Not only does he struggle with basic communication skills, but he also has a history of inappropriate behavior towards women. And let’s not forget about the corruption surrounding his family. It’s time for Biden to step aside and let someone who is capable and competent take the reins. Hopefully, in 2024, voters will send Biden back to Delaware and allow the new president to repair the damage he has done.

Written by Staff Reports

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