
Second Amendment Soars: 52% of Voters Pack Heat in Record Surge!

In a shocking turn of events, a new national poll has revealed that a record-breaking 52% of registered voters say either they or a member of their household owns a gun. That’s right, folks! The Second Amendment is alive and well in America! This surge in gun ownership has cut across both parties, but let’s be real, it’s a very partisan trend. The NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey has shown a “stunning” increase in gun ownership, a ten percent jump over the last decade, with an additional six percent increase just since 2019.

Micah Roberts of Public Opinion Strategies, representing the Republican side of things, along with Hart Research, which represents those Democrat pollsters, said, “In the last ten years, we’ve grown [10 points] in gun ownership. That’s a very stunning number.” It’s clear that when it comes to protecting their families and exercising their constitutional rights, Americans aren’t messing around.

But wait, there’s more! Gun ownership has been revealed to fall largely along party lines, with a whopping 66% of Republicans proudly possessing a gun in their household. Meanwhile, just 45% of Independents and 41% of Democrats can say the same. It’s clear which party respects the Second Amendment and the right to bear arms – the red, white, and blue Republican party!

And get this, one of the most significant increases in gun ownership has been among Black voters, with a whopping 41% now owning a gun in their household. That’s a massive 17-point increase in just four years! It’s clear that Americans from all walks of life are standing up for their Second Amendment rights, no matter their race or background.

Stephen Gutowski, founder of The Reload, said, “This poll shows a massive increase in gun ownership among voters. That’s in line with the reports we’ve seen about new buyers driving the 2020 sales surge, but this is the first major national poll to show such a big change.” It’s official, folks – America is still the land of the free and the home of the brave!

But the fun doesn’t stop there. Another poll, conducted by Harvard/Harris, found that 6 in 10 Americans believe that owning a gun is a necessary part of self-defense. That’s right, folks, Americans are standing up for their right to protect themselves and their loved ones, and they’re not backing down – not now, not ever.

As if that wasn’t enough, a shocking 56% majority of American voters have agreed, “Woke politicians are to blame for rising crime.” And a whopping 67% support “removing DA’s who are soft on crime.” The American people are speaking loud and clear – they’re fed up with the radical left’s soft-on-crime policies and they’re ready for real change.

So, there you have it, folks! The Second Amendment is alive and well, and American voters are standing up for their rights and taking a stand against rising crime. It’s a great day for freedom-loving Americans everywhere!

Written by Staff Reports

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