
Showstopper Ad Shocks CNN Debate: ‘Switch Off this Nonsense’

Vivek Ramaswamy may have been excluded from CNN’s Republican primary debate, but that didn’t stop him from finding a creative way to make his voice heard. In retaliation, Ramaswamy and his campaign filmed a 30-second ad that will air during the debate between Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis. In the ad, Ramaswamy accuses the mainstream media of trying to rig the Iowa GOP caucus in favor of the corporate candidates. He tells viewers, “Don’t fall for their trick” and urges them to turn off the debate.

So why was Ramaswamy excluded from the debate in the first place? Fox News reports that he was not invited because Haley and DeSantis were the only candidates who met CNN’s polling requirements. According to CNN, candidates must have at least 10% support in three separate national and/or Iowa polls of Republican caucusgoers or primary voters that meet their standards for reporting. However, Ramaswamy has received at least 10% support in three national polls, including polls conducted by Morning Consult, Reuters/Ipsos, and Fox in September.

Regardless of what you think about Ramaswamy as a candidate, his ad is a clever strategy to get his message out there despite the obstacles. He has been vocal in calling out the biased and misleading reporting of the left-wing media. During a CNN town hall last month, he criticized the media’s lies about the January 6 incident, noting that “the establishment doesn’t approve of this message.” While we may miss his bluntness in this debate, it will be interesting to see if Haley and DeSantis challenge CNN and its biased moderators with the same fervor and set the record straight.

In the end, the debate tonight will not only determine who wins, but it may also reveal how willing the candidates are to confront the media’s lies. As Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn warned, the 2024 election is of utmost importance, and we must all stand together to ensure the future of America.

Written by Staff Reports

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