
Soros-Backed DA Brushes off Murder Victims’ Families, Boasts About His ‘Hard Work’

Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price is finding herself in hot water as a recall campaign gains momentum, fueled by the outrage of crime victims’ families and the general public. Price, who is backed by George Soros and his liberal agenda, has implemented progressive and “restorative justice” policies that have left many feeling that criminals are being favored over their victims. The families of crime victims have been vocal about their disapproval of Price’s lenient sentencing and her failure to prioritize justice.

Price has been avoiding interviews with the local media, which is not surprising given their left-leaning bias. However, she was caught off guard when reporter Betty Yu from KPIX in San Francisco managed to secure an interview. Unfortunately for Price, the interview did not go well for her. When confronted with the criticism from families of crime victims, Price arrogantly dismissed their concerns, claiming that they are unable to appreciate the work that she and her office do.

The audacity of Price’s response is shocking. The families of crime victims have suffered unimaginable loss, and for Price to dismiss their pain and frustration is a display of callousness and arrogance. This is not the first time we have seen such behavior from a liberal district attorney. Los Angeles County DA George Gascon displayed a similar lack of empathy when he called a grieving mother “uneducated” for questioning his handling of her son’s case.

One particularly disturbing case that highlights Price’s disregard for crime victims is the murder of Blake Mohs. Mohs, a Home Depot employee, was killed by a shoplifter while on the job. Since his death, Mohs’ family has received little to no support from Price’s office. They were forced to repeatedly reach out to the DA’s office before they received any response. Even then, Price refused to meet with them and failed to keep them informed about the progress of the case.

To make matters even worse, the charges filed against Mohs’ alleged murderer are shockingly minimal. It seems that Price’s policy is to avoid adding any enhancements or special circumstances to criminal charges. This leniency is a slap in the face to the victims and their families who are seeking justice for their loved ones. Price’s refusal to address specific cases, such as the Mohs case, during her interview with Betty Yu only further demonstrates her lack of accountability and her prioritization of her own agenda over the needs of crime victims.

At the end of the interview, Price’s PR person abruptly cut it short, refusing to allow any further discussion. Price herself dismissed the possibility of future interviews, showing once again her unwillingness to engage with the public and address their concerns. It is clear that Price is more interested in pushing her own ideological agenda than in serving the interests of crime victims and their families.

Alameda County deserves a district attorney who will prioritize justice and show empathy for the victims of crime. Price’s arrogance and lack of accountability make it clear that she is not the right person for the job. The recall campaign against her is a necessary and important effort to bring about change and ensure that the families of crime victims finally receive the justice they deserve.

Written by Staff Reports

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