
Stefanik Exposes Biden’s Panic: White House Scrambles Over Hunter’s Biz Drama!

House Republican Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik is calling out the White House for trying to distance itself from Hunter Biden’s sketchy business dealings. Stefanik, who always has her finger on the pulse of all things political, accused the Biden administration of changing its story about the President’s knowledge of his son’s foreign business arrangements. She’s not buying their shifting language and wants answers.

Stefanik, along with fellow House Republicans Jim Jordan, James Comer, and Jason Smith, co-authored a letter to White House counsel Stuart Delery, demanding an explanation for the sudden change in position. But, true to form, the White House has chosen to remain evasive. It seems like the Biden administration would rather dodge the question than admit that they’ve been deceiving the American people.

Now, the White House is sticking to their guns and claiming that their position on the matter has always been the same. But who are they trying to fool? Republicans, like Stefanik, aren’t easily swayed by their empty words. They want the truth, and they want it now. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like they’ll be getting any real answers from this evasive White House.

With every passing day, it becomes clearer and clearer that the Biden administration is desperate to distance President Biden from the questionable actions of his son. But they can’t hide the truth forever. Americans deserve to know the extent of Hunter Biden’s involvement in foreign business deals, especially if it could potentially compromise the integrity of the presidency. Let’s hope Stefanik keeps up the pressure and doesn’t let the White House off the hook.

Written by Staff Reports

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