
Swalwell’s Spy Saga: Plays Victim Card Amid Espionage Drama

Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell of California is at it again, folks! This time, the Chinese spy-loving congressman is playing the poor-me game during a House Judiciary markup session. Swalwell had the audacity to claim that no one on the committee “has been a bigger victim of the weaponization of the intelligence community than me.” Oh, the nerve!

During his melodramatic rant, Swalwell bemoaned having his cell phone data subpoenaed by the Trump administration. And guess what, in 2012, an Asian volunteer helped his campaign. Later, the FBI asked for his cooperation in understanding who this person was. He did, and cooperated with the FBI. Apparently, they took care of a threat he was unaware of. Then, during the Trump administration, an IC official leaked his cooperation, suggested wrongdoing, and Fox News ran with it. As if all of that wasn’t enough, a member of the committee even filed an ethics report against him, leading to thousands of death threats. Boo-hoo, right?

But hold your horses, folks! Social media users didn’t miss the opportunity to call Swalwell out for his close ties to a Chinese spy, implying that he’s actually putting national security at risk. Yup, you heard that right. Some folks are suggesting that he might be talking about the Chinese intelligence community when he talks about being a victim of intelligence community weaponization. And let’s not forget the comments about him literally sleeping with a Chinese spy and selling off the American people to the CCP.

In conclusion, it seems that Rep. Eric Swalwell is using the same old tired narrative of playing the victim while conveniently forgetting about his cozy relationship with a Chinese spy. Perhaps he should spend less time feeling sorry for himself and more time being accountable for his actions. After all, nobody this dishonest should be allowed in the US Congress, right?

Written by Staff Reports

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