
Top Republicans Call For Impeachment of Top Biden Official Over Border Crisis

As the situation regarding the southern border continues to worsen, House Republicans are now calling for the impeachment of Alejandro Mayorkas, the head of the Department of Homeland Security. Some of the individuals who have called for his removal include Chip Roy of Texas and Ben Cline of Virginia. Due to the Democrats' control of the Senate, the hearings on Mayorkas' removal have been delayed.

With the Biden administration's goal of ending Title 42 having been achieved, efforts to remove Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas have been revived. Congressman Biggs has called for his immediate removal, tweeting that the situation at the border and in cities across the country is an invasion that must be stopped.

Although House Speaker Kevin McCarthy called for Mayorkas to resign, he has not been directly pushing for his removal. According to CNN, Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Republican from Florida, met with McCarthy to urge him to support the impeachment of Mayorkas. Don Bacon of Nebraska also supported the idea of removing the official.

Despite the growing calls for his removal, Mayorkas has maintained that he is focused on the work that he is doing at the DHS. In an interview with CNN, he said that he is not considering the issue of impeachment and that he is still focused on the work that he is doing. This suggests that he is not addressing the border crisis and is instead blaming President Biden.

It's time for Joe Biden and his team to be held accountable regarding the situation at the southern border. Mayorkas has admitted that he is incapable of handling the situation, and House Republicans have the right to begin the process of impeaching him. It's up to the American people whether justice is done and those involved in the crisis are held accountable.

Source: Daily Fetched

Written by Staff Reports

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