
Transgender NCAA Swimmer Sides with Antifa, Shockwaves in Sports World

Controversial NCAA swimming champion Lia Thomas is once again causing a stir, this time by proudly displaying her support for the domestic terror group Antifa. Thomas recently took to social media to share images of herself donning a militaristic t-shirt with the words “Antifa Super Solder” emblazoned across it. In the photos, she can be seen wearing dark sunglasses and sporting a bondage-style leather outfit that exudes a military vibe. She even playfully poses with a mock peace sign.

Antifa has long been recognized as a dangerous group responsible for organizing destructive protests that have caused millions of dollars in property damage for over a decade. It is deeply troubling to see an athlete of Thomas’ stature embracing such a radical and violent organization.

This Instagram post was shared by Thomas’ partner, Gwen Luxemburg, whose account is set to private. One has to wonder why Luxemburg would choose to promote such an extremist group on social media. It raises questions about the values shared by this couple and their judgment when it comes to aligning themselves with dangerous ideologies.

Of course, Thomas is infamous for her controversial sports career. After spending three lackluster years on the University of Pennsylvania men’s swim team, she suddenly found success on the women’s team after “transitioning” to a woman. Despite concerns from her fellow female teammates and the fact that she has not undergone gender reassignment surgery, Thomas was allowed to compete as a transgender athlete.

This decision by UPenn has faced widespread criticism, including from tennis star Martina Navratilova, who denounced the university for nominating Thomas for the NCAA “Woman of the Year” award. It is clear that many people within the NCAA swimming community strongly opposed Thomas’ inclusion in women’s sports, but were silenced by the oppressive left-wing cancel culture. This type of fear stifles honest discussions and undermines the integrity of women’s sports.

Lia Thomas’ public endorsement of Antifa further raises concerns about her values and judgment. It is essential that athletes use their platforms responsibly and promote messages that uphold the principles of freedom, peace, and justice. Embracing a group known for its violent and destructive actions goes against these foundational values. It is a disappointing turn for someone who had the opportunity to be a positive role model.

Written by Staff Reports

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