
Trump: Biden Presidency Blocks More Nations from Abraham Accords!

Former President Donald Trump believes that if he were still in office, every Arab country, and possibly even Iran, would have signed the Abraham Accords by now. Trump asserts that since President Joe Biden took office, the Middle East has become more destabilized and no new countries have joined the historic Accords. Under Trump’s leadership, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain, Morocco, and Sudan all joined the Accords, and Trump claims that several other nations were on the brink of joining, including Iran. However, Biden’s approach to the Middle East has undone any progress that was made, resulting in no new countries joining the Accords during his presidency thus far.

In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News, Trump discussed his tough stance on Iran, explaining that his financial sanctions and the targeting of Qassem Soleimani were designed to bring the Islamic Republic to the negotiating table. According to Trump, under his administration, Iran was financially broken, unable to provide funds to support groups like Hamas and Hezbollah. However, under Biden’s leadership, Iran has received an influx of $250 billion, enabling them to bolster their activities. Trump emphasized that if he were still president, the recent terrorist attack on Israel by Hamas, which receives significant funding from Iran, would not have taken place, as he would have taken more decisive action.

Trump also criticized Biden’s foreign policy vision for the Middle East, noting that the new administration believes peace between Israelis and Palestinians must come before peace between Israel and other Arab nations. Furthermore, Trump asserted that while Biden is fierce towards his domestic political opponents, he appears to be lenient towards foreign adversaries of the United States. Trump suggested that Biden’s acceptance of money from foreign countries, like the Chinese Communist Party, raises concerns that he is a compromised leader, allowing these adversaries to strengthen.

In Trump’s opinion, the current state of the Middle East and the lack of progress in the Abraham Accords are a direct result of Biden’s presidency. He argued that if the election had not been “rigged,” all countries, including Iran, would have signed onto the Accords by now. Trump’s assessment demonstrates his belief that his leadership was essential for achieving peace and stability in the region, and he criticized Biden for undoing the progress made during his tenure.

Written by Staff Reports

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