
Trump Cautions Against GOP Leadership Shake-up Amid Greene’s Motion

Former President Donald Trump recently weighed in on the motion brought forth by Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene from Georgia to remove Speaker of the House Mike Johnson from his position. Trump, known for his bold statements, praised Greene for her spirit and fight, but suggested that now might not be the best time to push for a change in House leadership.

In a post on Truth Social, Trump expressed his admiration for Greene and her determination to stand up against the Democrats. Despite acknowledging Greene’s efforts, Trump emphasized the need for Republicans to focus on combating what he called the “Damage” done by the Radical Left Democrats, with the current majority being slim.


Greene’s motion to vacate the chair targeted Speaker Mike Johnson, citing disagreements over foreign aid packages and alliances with Democrats. Specifically, Johnson’s proposals for a $95 billion foreign aid package drew scrutiny from Greene and other Republican representatives like Thomas Massie from Kentucky.

During a press conference, Rep. Massie highlighted three perceived betrayals by Speaker Johnson, including the passage of the omnibus spending bill and the reauthorization of certain surveillance measures. This discontent among some Republican members led to the push for Johnson’s removal from the speakership.

In response to the motion, Trump urged Republicans to vote for ‘THE MOTION TO TABLE’, indicating confidence in a future victory for their cause. The vote resulted in a significant margin, with the majority of representatives opting to postpone any decision on Greene’s motion.

While Trump commended Johnson as a “good man who is trying very hard,” his support for Greene’s motion at this time was not wholehearted, suggesting a strategic approach to the internal dynamics within the Republican Party. As the political landscape continues to evolve, the dynamics within the GOP regarding leadership and policy decisions remain subject to debate and negotiation.

Written by Staff Reports

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