
Trump Crushes CA Primary, DeSantis Left in Dust

A recent poll conducted by the PPIC revealed that Donald Trump is leading the Republican primary race in California. He has a 29-point lead over his nearest competitor, Ron DeSantis. This is no surprise since his impressive leadership abilities during his time in office, which resulted in a robust economic expansion.

In a survey conducted in May 2023 among 1,576 California residents, Donald Trump was the clear frontrunner with 50 percent of the vote, followed by Mike Pence with 10 percent and Ron DeSantis with 21.

Since he launched his campaign last month, California Governor Arnold Sanner has not seen a boost in the polls. A new survey conducted by the UC Berkeley's IGS shows that Trump has a significant lead over his rival, Ron DeSantis, in the state. This marks a reversal from earlier this year, when the two were tied at eight points.

The primary election in California is not as prominent as those in other states, such as New Hampshire and Iowa, but it is still important because of its delegate haul. Another important state that has a large number of delegates is Florida. Recent polls in the state show that Trump is leading over DeSantis.

Despite the number of candidates running, anti-Trumpers are still concerned that their candidate's advantage will be affected by the dynamic of the race. However, looking into the polls, it seems that their concerns are not correct. Trump's standing among Republican voters has been on the rise, as they believe that he is being unfairly treated by the courts.

Although there is a slim chance that Trump will not be able to secure the Republican nomination, his legal battles could still affect his campaign. Nonetheless, Trump is currently basking in the knowledge that he is likely to be charged with a federal offense anytime soon. He is undeterred and is committed to leading the country to a new era of greatness.

Source: Conservative Institute

Written by Staff Reports

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