
Trump Signals DeSantis Not in 2024 Cabinet Cards

In a recent interview, former President Donald Trump revealed that he believes it’s “highly unlikely” that Florida GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis would serve in his administration if he wins the 2024 election. This comes after DeSantis dropped out of the race just before the New Hampshire primary. Trump made it clear that he values loyalty and has a roster of rock-solid supporters who have been by his side since day one. He emphasized the need to prioritize securing the border and addressing energy concerns immediately upon taking office for the second time.

Despite these comments, Trump also made it clear that he isn’t ruling anyone out when it comes to assembling his administration. He wants to keep his options open and ensure that he has the best team in place to support his agenda. In DeSantis’ announcement, he endorsed Trump and expressed his belief that Trump is the superior leader compared to the current incumbent, Joe Biden. DeSantis also called out the practice of prioritizing large corporations and woke ideology over the needs of Americans, emphasizing the need for a change in leadership.

I mean, come on, folks. It’s no secret that Trump values loyalty and isn’t afraid to speak his mind. He knows who he wants by his side, and he’s not about to compromise on that. DeSantis may have thrown his support behind Trump, but it seems like the former president has his eye on a different cast of characters for his administration. And let’s be real, with the mess at the border and energy concerns looming large, it’s no wonder Trump wants to hit the ground running on day one.

With the 2024 Republican nomination race boiling down to Trump and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, it’s clear that Trump is looking to build a powerhouse team that aligns with his vision for America. DeSantis may be out of the race, but his endorsement of Trump speaks volumes about where the conservative movement stands. The bottom line is that Trump is gearing up for a comeback, and he’s not mincing words about what he expects from his future team. Let the games begin!

Written by Staff Reports

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